
Thermal pools

Pure thermal pools

The water of Thermae 2000 is special thermal water. This water has been shut for over 40.000 years and therefor protected against harmful substances. In short, the water of our own spring is pure. Pure and just water can only be found in our thermal pools.

Three sources in the Cauberg

The water of Thermae 2000 flows from three ancient springs that are drilled in the Cauberg at Valkenburg. The thermal water has a special balance due to the unique structure of minerals and trace elements. The two springs at a depth of 381 meters provide the thermal water for the indoor and outdoor pools with a temperature of 33 degrees Celsius. A third spring is located at a depth of 80 meters. This spring provides fresh mineral drinking water.

Highest quality predicat

Fully enjoying the treasure of the earth. That’s the power of the water of Thermae 2000. Therapeutical, pure, warm and rich in minerals. After being tested by the European Institute the water has been awarded with the titel ‘Ursprünglich Rein’: the highest quality that can be given to water on a international level. Thermae 2000 does more than just the regular legally inspection. The quality of the thermal indoor and outdoor pools is constantly monitored by computers. On top of that, Thermae 2000 has multiple daily inspections. 

Positive influence on your body and mind

Research has confirmed the therapeutical effect of the thermal water. It also has a very positive influence on the entire body. But above all, the water of Thermae 2000 has a pleasurable feeling. The heat will penetrate your entire body and will make you feel like rejuvenated. Take a dip in our pool and experience the positive effect yourself.